Our Mission,
Vision, and Values

All Saints United Methodist Church

Our Mission
All Saints United Methodist Church is a safe and affirming sanctuary, inspiring hope, reaching into and beyond our community, and inviting all to participate in the kingdom of God.

Our Vision
To be a welcoming church community that mirrors the inclusivity and compassion of Jesus, embraces diversity, celebrates the transformative power of grace, and fosters an authentic and joyful environment where all individuals can grow in their faith, find connection, and experience the love of God.

Our Values
Small conversations led us to big ideals that describe who we hope to be.

Christ-Centered: We center our lives and community around the teachings and love of Jesus Christ.

Inclusive and Welcoming: Selfless and unconditional love, freely given as Christ freely gave. Affirming, welcoming, and inviting of every person. You are holy, essential, and part of God's whole and good creation. We prioritize building meaningful connections and celebrating the diversity of our community.

Service: Reaching out into our community and the world around us, serving without expectation or condition. We actively seek opportunities to serve and make a meaningful impact in our community and beyond.

Grace for All: As the communion table is open to all without condition, so are our hearts, minds, and doors. We extend the unconditional grace and love of God to all individuals, of any degree of faith or doubt, embodying a non-judgmental culture of grace and understanding, reflecting the essence of Jesus' message of love and redemption.

Transparency and Authenticity: We commit to open communication, honesty, and genuine relationships, valuing transparency in all aspects of church life.

Growth: We actively seek ways to grow personally and as a community, reaching out to people and inviting them to experience the power of God's unconditional love.

UMC Values and Heritage: We honor and uphold the values and traditions of the United Methodist Church, cherishing our rich heritage and spiritual legacy which helps us remain true to the teachings of Jesus.

January 28, 2024